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Translating into Spanish
SPANISH is the native language of some 370 million people spread out over 22 countries in which the corresponding Spanish language academy or association exists. Spanish is one of the WORLD’S FOUR MAJOR LANGUAGES, boasting more than 300 million speakers, together with Mandarin Chinese, English and Hindi.

Spanish speakers from different countries can basically understand each other, but each region has its own characteristics and localisms, especially in colloquial and informal speech. Differences are also found in technical language due to how each country has incorporated foreign terminology.

For these reasons, the greatest challenge presented by translation into Spanish today is to be able to produce a single translation that can be understood by Spanish speakers worldwide.

Orchestra's answer to this challenge? International Spanish.
To find out more about translation into Spanish...
click on the links below.

What is International Spanish?

It is a style of Spanish free from localisms and that can be perfectly understood by Spanish speakers anywhere. It uses common terms and expressions acceptable to all. Arriba

What are the advantages of International Spanish?

International Spanish is the answer for companies with growing global business needs—it allows them to reduce documentation and communication costs since texts are translated into Spanish only once. Consistency is also guaranteed in documents for both The Americas and Spain since the translation of key words and terms is identical in all countries.
Compare the advantages of using International Spanish over national varieties in the chart below:

Translation strategy Adaptation to the reader* Consistency among translations** Cost
National varieties Excellent +++ Low Very high
International Spanish Very good ++ Complete +++ Low +++

(*) Adaptation to the reader is the degree to which the reader perceives  the document as having been written in his/her own country.
(**) La Consistency among translations is the degree of similarity in the translation of a text's key terms.
Orchestra can also translate your texts into different varieties of Spanish if you wish.


Into what type of Spanish should I translate my Web site?

International Spanish. Web sites tend to have an international rather than a local audience from a specific country. Spanish speakers worldwide who access the site  will understand it perfectly. Arriba

Into what type of Spanish should I translate my technical documents?

International Spanish. The differences in terminology between local and International Spanish are small, while the differences in cost are enormous. Arriba

Into what type of Spanish should I translate my financial documents?

In general, International Spanish. Use the national variety of Spanish only when your translation is destined for a specific country. Arriba

Into what type of Spanish should I translate my legal documents?

In this case, use the national variety of Spanish since the document's target audience will usually be nationals of the target country. Although part of the translation process is carried out in our main office in Madrid, all legal documents will be translated and edited in the target country since exact knowledge of the country's laws and administration is necessary. Arriba

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